What’s News Pussycat?
I’m pleased to introduce my new collaboration with Margaret and Susan of Bledsoe Bags bledsoebags.com.
Ginger Cat and Curious Cat
This time we’re printing onto fabric my Ginger Cat and Curious Cat linocut designs which Margaret is making into fabric baskets at Couture Collective, 659 Fulham Road, London SW6 5PY couturecollective.co.uk.

The cat fabric basket is great for cat toys and also for plants, as a desk tidy or storage. It’s made of soft grey velvet and is fully lined and machine washable.
This is a special limited edition collaboration with 10% of each purchase donated to Mayhew to support its important work with people and their animals in our communities.
Margaret and Susan have written a blog about our collaboration on their Bledsoe Bags website: bledsoebags.com/2021/03/11/whats-new-pussycat
The Bledsoe & Bristowe cat fabric basket is £29.50 plus postage. To buy or enquire, please contact Margaret (Susan is based in Atlanta) through the contact link on their website.