‘Dear Elephant’ Book
Jane recently published a book called ‘Dear Elephant’ in collaboration with author Florina Falce. The book is for children and adults alike and all who care for the environment and conservation of endangered species.
The book has a lovely endorsement from Virginia McKenna OBE, co-founder of Born Free Foundation.
“This inspirational little book will open the hearts and minds of all who read it. Those who already care and respect animals will do so with joy and gratitude. Others—who hitherto had little interest in the non-human animals of this world—will surely be touched as never before. Above all the stories give hope to us all.”
— Virginia McKenna OBE, Born Free Foundation

Dear Elephant vibrantly interweaves Florina Falce’s letters to animals and Jane Bristowe’s distinctive linocuts to deliver an urgent message to the natural world. You’ll discover so much within the colorful pages of this small-book-with-a-big-heart: from whimsical, free-associating reflections on animals in their natural habitats; to interesting and uncommon details (did you know that elephants cry but don’t have tear ducts?); to a call to reverse climate change and human overconsumption.
This surprising and engaging book makes the reader a participant in these letters, opening us up to the spirit of love and appreciation that inspired them — why else would there be a spot for us to draw our own ladybugs? In doing so, it infuses our lives with the sort of consciousness that’s needed to reflect, educate ourselves, and love our world at this critical moment. Plus, it’s fun to read and compelling to look at.
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Pictures from the ‘Dear Elephant’ Launch Event in London